Part One Political / Religious Mountains of the Seven Mountain mandate wars and rumours of wars leading to Daniel's 70th week of years
- In my last blog I wrote about the merging of the political religious mountains of the Seven Mountain Mandate.
As this blog will be a long one I have broken it into two parts.
Part One will be on wars and rumours of wars that will lead into World War 3 and this will lead into the last week of the Old Testament known as Daniel's 70th week of years.
Part Two will be on the two faces of the antichrist and the rise of Islam across the earth and how this will relate to the antichrist's evil kingdom.
Setting the stage of how the false man of peace will enter world affairs.
- In this blog I will set the stage of how things have come about and are coming about that will bring about the final week of Old Testament years the 70th week of Daniel.
- I will talk about the rise of China, Russian and Iran with their threat to the world peace and stability. The rise of these powers and the weakening of western democracy and military power will lead to World War III including war in the Middle East.
- The world will be looking for a messiah type figure to bring peace to the earth especially in the Middle East and elsewhere.
- The power basis is moving from the Western nations, America is becoming very weak.
- The power base is moving east China is becoming more powerful along with Russia, Turkey, North Korea under China's control the Chinese will be the kings of the East.
- Iran is rising in power and is starting to destroy the nations who favour Israel Egypt, Jordan and gaining a stronger grip in Syria with Russia's help.
- God will bring about America's downfall to move the power base from the west to the Middle East.
- The next war will occur on three fronts.
- The theatres of war will be in the Indo / Pacific region this will be brought about through China wanting to take over Taiwan and make it their own territory.
- The second theatre of war will be on the European front through Russia wanting to invade Ukraine and as they supply oil and gas to Europe they may well hold Europe to ransom by that means as well by cutting off their fuel supplies.
- The third theatre of war will be in the Middle East this will be a war within a war which means it will be a war between the Jews and the Arabs this will be the Psalm 83 war.
- Russia will not do anything without telling China what it is about to do and China will not do anything without telling Russia what it intends to do.
- So it is possible that Russia will invade the Ukraine and China will invade Taiwan at the same time and Iran and her proxies could attack Israel when the world's attention is taken up with these two major conflicts in different parts of the world.
- These other two theatres of war will only be smoke screens diverting the world's attention away from the real war the war between the Arabs and the Jews or in other words the war between Israel and her Arab neighbours namely Iran and her proxies.
- So while the world is caught up with fighting a war on two different fronts which includes America the real battle will be taking place in the Middle East. America may help Israel but it will be very limited help as they will be tied up with fighting Russia and China who will be united in their fight against the West.
- In reality only God will be able to help Israel and He will by aiding their IDF against the Arab threat.
- Israel will defeat their enemies so soundly that in the end their enemies will have to sue for peace.
- This is when the false man of peace will rise up and broker a covenant for seven years between Israel and the Arab nations and this will be done in Jerusalem. This will be a false peace between in a spiritual sense between the religions of Islam (Arabs) and Judaism (Jews).
- This will allow Israel to build the third temple and set up their way of living under Mosaic law including animal sacrifices.
- The person setting up this peace will be the man of perdition or antichrist that the bible speaks about. For the world will applaud his peace making and see him as a messiah figure.
- The Western nations are being weakened through two key areas. One area of weakness is that they are falling into moral decay because of Woke or Cancel Culture ideologies.
- The second area of weakness is they are forgetting history they are becoming more and more anti-Semitic and they are forgetting about the Holocaust. They are turning against the God of Israel and the Jewish people.
- These two things are weakening the Western nations, this is the case especially in America and it will not be long before other nations will rise to power and will over take America. Two such nations are already flexing their muscles and are gearing up for war. They are stronger morally and have a purpose and a strong military.
- The nations that are stronger morally than the Western nations have a weak point and God will judge them too and that is their united hatred of Israel and the Jewish people.
- I will deal with these two key points of how the Western world is becoming weak before going onto how we are heading towards World War III.
- In the event of war between Israel and Iran along with her proxies I am afraid that due to a lot of misinformation about Israel and her biblical right to the land, a lot of Australians and people of other nations will end up siding with Israel's enemies including the church.
- From the articles I have given above I am wondering where are the so called Christians who support Israel? Have they gone to ground? Why are they so silent? The silence from the church is amazing especially those who say they love Israel and support her.
- Do they only support her when things are going well? Or do they only support her when the Israelis are travelling through but have no understanding about witnessing to them and do they understand whose land it is.
- That the land belongs to Jesus do they believe that He is coming back and all the biblical prophecies will come to pass before He returns.
- Or do they think that they will either be raptured away before the Tribulation or they will rule the earth as kings before Jesus comes back either way they are wrong and are believing lies.
- Australia and the world needs someone to stand with Israel from a biblical perspective and who understands things from a biblical perspective and who can speak about the return of Jesus to Zion to restore her from a biblical perspective and who can speak with God's authority on this because they have been anointed and commissioned by Him to do so.
- America is declining as a powerful nation and I have become aware of this for a time.
- Below is an article that is now stating this plainly. Both Russia and China are gaining in strength and power.
- Also Iran is now coming to the fray but Turkey is there too behind the scenes.
- America is also being destroyed from within through the Black Lives Matters movement which is really a communistic movement that also supports Islam the Palestinians and hates Israel.
- So from these following articles one can see how the power base is now moving from America to Russia and China and how America is being destroyed from within through riots, looting and violence of the BLM movement which also wants to do away with Law and Order by defunding the police department.
- This could also be part of the lawlessness that Jesus speaks of in Matthew 24. When He said the love of many will grow cold because of lawlessness the increase of it.
- Back in 2012 /2013 God said that He was going to destroy America and she will be attacked from without by Russia, China, Cuba, Mexico and other nations from South America. That she will be attacked from within through Chaos driven by terrorism home grown terrorism and from Islamic terrorists from overseas.
- It seems like this word from the Lord to me all those years ago may be beginning to come to pass.
- The Russian China conflicts is just a smoke screen to draw people's attention away from the real issue of this upcoming world war. The real issue is the upcoming conflict between Israel and Iran which will lead to Daniel's 70th week and the coming world leader the Antichrist and his New World Order which Russia and China will be part of.
- Which means this conflict will bring an end to the West's power and move the power base from the West to the East and the Middle East.
- Also when Jesus spoke about wars rumours of wars, pestilence, earthquakes in diverse places and famines in Matthew 24:1-10.
- I believe these things will now happen all at once or at different times or will lead from one event to others like a domino effect that war will lead to famine, which will increase the spread of Covid-19 and other diseases and even natural disasters will ramp up as well and that will cause famine and diseases as well. We have seen these things happen in the last decade but they happened here and there not all at once. Indeed this year could very well be the beginning of sorrows and increase in persecution of Christians and Jews.
- What is shortly about to take place on the earth is part of God's end time plan to bring about Daniel's 70th week and the building of the Third Jewish Temple. God is a man of war and I had the sense a couple of months ago that God was on the warpath and Jesus was marshalling the hosts of heaven to go to war.
- Democracy is dying and we are seeing it happen in our lifetime. This is getting things ready for the antichrist to arise and for the Lord Jesus to return to the earth to bring His righteous kingdom to the earth.
- God is also allowing this to happen to bring the Western powers to an end. He allowed the election of a weak president to achieve His ends. If the President was a powerful one things may not be at the state they are now at.
- Could God be hardening the hearts of Putin, Xi and the Iranian leader to achieve His purposes to bring about the end of the age of man? Just like He hardened Pharaoh's heart so that He could judge Egypt and be seen as the Great God over all the other so called gods of Egypt to bring Egypt down and the free His people by His great power and outstretched hand.
- So too God will judge the world and will set free His people when He comes forth from heaven to fight for Zion (Jerusalem) and raise up those who are His life from the grave and catch up those who are alive to be changed from mortal to immortal.
- As the world is turning more and more against Israel. Israel will be isolated cut off in other words God is bringing her into the wilderness of people and she will have to fight Iran and Iran's proxies on her own.
- Yet she will not be alone for God will be helping her to fight and defeat her enemies aka the One who watches over Israel neither slumbers or sleeps.
- He will be fighting for her with heaven armies to soundly defeat her enemies to bring about the time of Daniel's 70th week and the rise of the false man of peace, aka the man of perdition.
- Whether World War 3 will take place today, tomorrow or sometime in the near future.
- Russia may attack suddenly when people least expect it. Russia has attacked and invaded the Ukraine, more about this in my next blog.
- No doubt China may do the same with Taiwan and Iran will do the same in regards to Israel. This World War could erupt in a place and time when people least expect it.
- This World War will take place in accordance with God's heavenly time table to bring about Daniel's 70th week of years and the end of the age of the Gentiles.
- This war will happen and we must be prepared for it when it does take place and what will take place after it ie a false messiah figure bringing in a false peace in the Middle East and a final period of time of great evil on the earth called the Great Tribulation which will lead into the return of Christ.