Jesus has His winnowing fork in His hand separating people in readiness for the Great Harvest
Matthew 3:11-12I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance. but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire:
12 Whose fan is in his hand, and he will throughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner; but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.
John 9:39 KJV
And Jesus said, For judgment I am come into this world, that they which see not might see; and that they which see might be made blind.
John 9:39 AMP
Then Jesus said, I came into this world for judgment [as a Separator, in order that there may be separation between those who believe on Me and those who reject Me], to make the sightless see and to make those who see become blind.
- John the Baptist spoke about Jesus coming with His winnowing fork in His hand to separate the wheat from the chaff.
- Yes this is true about Jesus but Jesus didn't come at His first coming to separate the wheat and the chaff. To gather the wheat into the barn and the chaff to be burned up for this speaks of judgment that judgment comes at the end of the age.
- Yes Jesus did seperate those who believe in Him from those who didn't.
- This is the gist of the second verse that Jesus will make those who think they spiritually see, spiritually blind and He will give spiritual sight to those who are spiritually blind.
- Just like he could heal a man born blind and could make him see. So too Jesus can make people who are spiritually blind see spiritually and people who think they see spiritually, blind spiritually.
Now getting back what John the Baptist said about Jesus.
This is in relation to judgment and judgment day when Jesus separates the good from the bad.
He does this by sending out the angels to reap the wheat to gather them up to Jesus at His second coming and to gather the chaff to be burnt up as worthless.
Matthew 13:36-52
Then Jesus sent the multitude away, and went into the house: and his disciples came unto him, saying, Declare unto us the parable of the tares of the field.
37 He answered and said unto them, He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man;
38 The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one;
39 The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels.
40 As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world.
41 The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity;
42 And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
43 Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.
44 Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field.
45 Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls:
46 Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it.
47 Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a net, that was cast into the sea, and gathered of every kind:
48 Which, when it was full, they drew to shore, and sat down, and gathered the good into vessels, but cast the bad away.
49 So shall it be at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just,
50 And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
51 Jesus saith unto them, Have ye understood all these things? They say unto him, Yea, Lord.
52 Then said he unto them, Therefore every scribe which is instructed unto the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that is an householder, which bringeth forth out of his treasure things new and old.
Revelation 14:14-20
And I looked, and behold a white cloud, and upon the cloud one sat like unto the Son of man, having on his head a golden crown, and in his hand a sharp sickle.
15 And another angel came out of the temple, crying with a loud voice to him that sat on the cloud, Thrust in thy sickle, and reap: for the time is come for thee to reap; for the harvest of the earth is ripe.
16 And he that sat on the cloud thrust in his sickle on the earth; and the earth was reaped.
17 And another angel came out of the temple which is in heaven, he also having a sharp sickle.
18 And another angel came out from the altar, which had power over fire; and cried with a loud cry to him that had the sharp sickle, saying, Thrust in thy sharp sickle, and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth; for her grapes are fully ripe.
19 And the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth, and gathered the vine of the earth, and cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God.
20 And the winepress was trodden without the city, and blood came out of the winepress, even unto the horse bridles, by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs.
- Jesus came the first time to be a peace offering to God on behalf of mankind.
- To die on the cross as an offering for sin and for peace to bring peace between man and God. To deal once and for with the sin issue that separates man from His Father.
- Jesus came to bring this gospel of hope / good news to the whole world beginning with Israel / Jerusalem and going throughout the whole earth.
- However while He was on the earth this message to His house the House of Israel, about why He came from the Father as the prophet, servant and peace offering for sin but He was met with hostility and disbelief by the tribal elders and the religious leaders of Israel.
- Jesus was beginning to separate those who believe in Him from those who didn't and this separation continued down throughout the centuries.
- Yet before His return this separation will increase in intensity.
- It will grow in intensity as the birth pangs increase of the coming kingdom of the Lord upon the earth.
- This intensity will culminate in the time of the period of Daniel's 70th week, the final three and half years of this week will be the Great Tribulation
- This separation will continue right up until the appearing of the Lord with His angels to reap the harvest.
- Jesus will use judgment to seperate, winnow, and sift those who are His from those who are not.
- This winnowing through trials, judgments in the form of attacks upon the church, natural disasters, wars and people turning against each other will winnow out those who belong to Him from those who don't.
- He is threshing out the wheat and the chaff.
- This is so that the angels at the end of the age will be able to gather the wheat for the Lord to gather them up to Him when He appears and to gather the useless ones the worthless ones who followed satan as chaff to be burned up.
Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:
30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
31 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.
1 Thessalonians 4:13-17
But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.
14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.
15 For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.
16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
1 Corinthians 15:51-58
Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,
52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
54 So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.
55 O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?
56 The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.
57 But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.
- Jesus will also use these times to refine His true followers to get them ready to be with Him.
- To dwell with Him in His coming millennial kingdom and on into His eternal kingdom of the New Heavens and the New earth, to dwell forever in the New Jerusalem on the New Earth.
- To present them before Him without spot or wrinkle.
My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations;
3 Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.
4 But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.
12 Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.
1 Peter 1:3-9
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,
4 To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you,
5 Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.
6 Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations:
7 That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:
8 Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory:
9 Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls.
Ephesians 5:25-27
Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.
25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;
26 That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,
27 That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.
- This is so that anything that is not pleasing to Him can be dealt with before He comes upon the earth whether in an individual or within the true body of Christ.
- Due to the increasing persecution of true believers as this present age draws to a close before Jesus returns. True believers will end up meeting in secret like the early believers did.
- As Christianity will become an illegal fatih and one that the devil will want to stamp out when he comes to rule openly from the Third temple in the body of the false messiah on the earth.
- The things are going back to the way they were in the days before Christianity that is like under ancient Rome where paganism and immoral sexual lifestyles were the norm.
- Men were worshiped as gods and this is the case not just within the apostate church but within politics as well for certain countries worship their leaders as God China and North Korea are two such examples of this.
- So Jesus will be winnowing those who are His and indeed His winnowing fork in in His hand.
- He is doing this with all nations and yes He is doing this with New Zealand too because since we had the attacks on the Mosques in Christchurch on 15 March this year. People have been feeling unsettled, fearful and the police have been more in evidence with weapons even guarding the Christchurch cardboard Cathedral as well as the mosque over Easter weekend just gone.
- God gave me a word about what He will do with New Zealand, as they are becoming a secular nation. He will bring them under another god to worship because they have turned their back on Him as the true God, the true God of Israel.
- For this reason He will winnow and shake this nation and bring them under the yoke of Islam.
- He is starting to do this now for people are turning against Christianity our British heritage and they want the munted Christchurch Cathedral that is still waiting to be rebuilt nearly nine years on since the earthquake/s that destroyed it. They want this Cathedral to be an interfaith hub for all religions not just for Anglican Christians.
- In fact every time something happens in an attack against churches such as the Easter bombing in Sri Lanka of three churches, an attack on a Synagogue in America or any other attack on people no matter their faith. They are now having interfaith services on a regular basis to mourn loss of life for humanity's sake. These following terms are becoming common terms love, justice, humanity. peace, unity and interfaith worship is becoming the norm. You will hear these words used over and over again in the media and this is brainwashing for people to accept that we are all one human family, we must seek the peace and welfare of the human family and show our unity and love in interfaith services.
- So much so this push for the the humanistic false peace, unity as shown in interfaith services of all religions but chiefly under the Vatican and Islam. That it will be woe betide anyone who speaks up against it and dare to say the Jesus is the only way to come to God the Father through what He did on the cross dying for sin and that He is alive and is coming back again. Woe betide anyone who dares to say that biblical Christianity is the true faith and all others are false and demonic.
- Christians will be persecuted more and more for their faith even Rugby league players from the South Pacific in Australia were saying that they may as well be sacked for their Christian faith which is opposed the sinful lifestyles that the Rugby League and Rugby Union of Australia wants to endorse as their code of inclusiveness.
- Yet all these people who go against the true God of Israel and His Son Jesus will face the consequences of their rejection of Him when Jesus returns at the end of the age.
2 Thessalonians 1:5-10
Which is a manifest token of the righteous judgment of God, that ye may be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which ye also suffer:
6 Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you;
7 And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels,
8 In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:
9 Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power;
10 When he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired in all them that believe (because our testimony among you was believed) in that day.
Revelation 1:7
Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.
Revelation 6:12-17
And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;
13 And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.
14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.
15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;
16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:
17 For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?
- As the world heads more into the darkness of paganism and sinful lifestyles, we who are bible believers in Jesus will be going through more winnowing and shaking yet before Jesus does come back.
- As I have mentioned above the churches all around the world are beginning to suffer persecution as more and more Christians are being killed as they worship in their churches. Not only churches are being attacked but the Jews too are being attacked as well in different ways.
- Nowhere is safe outside of Jesus He and His Father alone are our hiding places from all of this even if we may find our eventual release through death to be with Him.
- It is not post Christianity as some people are trying to make out it is going back to Pre Christianity like it was before the gospel went forth throughout the earth. Yet in a way it is post Christianity in that things are going back to paganism but there will be still Christians who believe in the bible and who stand by what it says and who believe in Who Jesus is and believe in His second coming back to Israel just as the bible says He will. The devil may try and wipe these people out but he won't be able to.
- Though he may think he has the upper hand through killing Christians and Jews and destroying their places of worship.
- He may overcome and take the Lord's people captive.
Then I would know the truth of the fourth beast, which was diverse from all the others, exceeding dreadful, whose teeth were of iron, and his nails of brass; which devoured, brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with his feet;
20 And of the ten horns that were in his head, and of the other which came up, and before whom three fell; even of that horn that had eyes, and a mouth that spake very great things, whose look was more stout than his fellows.
21 I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them;
22 Until the Ancient of days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom.
23 Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.
24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.
25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.
26 But the judgment shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion, to consume and to destroy it unto the end.
27 And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him.
Revelation 13:3-10
And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.
4 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?
5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.
6 And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.
7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.
8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
9 If any man have an ear, let him hear.
10 He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.
- He will wage war against them and kill them and wear them down but he will never, ever be able to overcome and defeat Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God of Israel. For Jesus will wage war against the beast the dragon satan of old and overcome him.
Revelation 17:12-14
And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.
13 These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.
14 These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.
- He won't win for Jesus will come back in all of His glory and His Father's glory.
- Along with His saints gathering those who are alive and raising up those who have fallen asleep in Him and He will wage war against His enemies and He will triumph over them and cast them into the Lake of Fire.
Revelation 19:11-21
And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.
12 His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself.
13 And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.
14 And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.
15 And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.
16 And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords.
17 And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God;
18 That ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both free and bond, both small and great.
19 And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army.
20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.
21 And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh.
- He will rule on the earth as King of all Glory the Glory of Israel from the temple on Mt Zion in Jerusalem over all the earth.
Luke 1:26-35
And in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee, named Nazareth,
27 To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin's name was Mary.
28 And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.
29 And when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying, and cast in her mind what manner of salutation this should be.
30 And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with God.
31 And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Jesus.
32 He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David:
33 And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end.
34 Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?
35 And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.
Luke 2:25-35
And, behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; and the same man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel: and the Holy Ghost was upon him.
26 And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ.
27 And he came by the Spirit into the temple: and when the parents brought in the child Jesus, to do for him after the custom of the law,
28 Then took he him up in his arms, and blessed God, and said,
29 Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word:
30 For mine eyes have seen thy salvation,
31 Which thou hast prepared before the face of all people;
32 A light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel.
33 And Joseph and his mother marvelled at those things which were spoken of him.
34 And Simeon blessed them, and said unto Mary his mother, Behold, this child is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel; and for a sign which shall be spoken against;
35 (Yea, a sword shall pierce through thy own soul also,) that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.
Psalm 2:1-12
Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?
2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying,
3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.
4 He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.
5 Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure.
6 Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion.
7 I will declare the decree: the Lord hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee.
8 Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.
9 Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel.
10 Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth.
11 Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling.
12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.
This winnowing of the Lord is seen in different areas:
- It is seen in the attacks on the church, attacks on Jewish synagogues the rise of the persecution of Christians and Jews.
- It is seen in increased violence in the streets of cities and nations through protests against poverty and climate change.
- It is also seen in the attempted overthrow of national leaders by people rising up against them.
- It is seen in changes in laws to do with protecting oneself from harm gun laws and speech laws that will protect the wicked but kill or imprison the righteous.
- It will make out that Christians are terrorists and full of hate That the bible is hate speech when it isn't except in the things to do with sin. It does speak that God hates sin but dealt with sin through the death of Jesus on the cross. Soon it will be unlawful to speak like this even to witness to share the gospel to call upon people to repent.
- It is seen in the attack on the mosques in Christchurch and the desire to have an interfaith hub built in place of the Cathedral.
- It is seen in the rise of paganism, people worshiping themselves and false gods, and the rise of immoral lifestyles that it is forbidden to speak against homosexuality.
- It is seen in the rise of young people changing their sex and men becoming women and women men. It is seen in the rebellion of God's created order of male and female and marriage between a man and woman.
- It is seen in science wanting to clone long dead animals.
- It is seen in the teaching of evolution and the denial of God creating the world in six days and teaching that Christianity and the bible are myths.
- It is seen in the rise of use of drugs and alcohol.
- It is seen in the denial of Jesus being the only way to God and questioning whether He rose from the grave or not.
- it is seen in the apostasy within the church, the rise of Contemplative spirituality, the turning back to Rome, the Interfaith worship, the saying all religions worship the same God in different ways.
- The rise of people seeing themselves as little gods and the rise in greed, avarice, covetousness and idolatry which is the result of being greedy, the worship of self a humanistic gospel.
- The rise of a gospel of self in place of Christ and a crossless, christianity that appeals to the flesh doesn't challenge sinful lifestyles.
- It is seen in the lack of preaching the bible, the rise of false apostles and prophets it is a humanistic religion that will dove tail into all of the other religions of the world that worship self, humanity, the social gospel and false gods and the apostate version of Christianity think that they have power through the use of sorcery but claim it is the Holy Spirit when it is not.
- It is seen in violence against the very young, the very old and animals.
- It is seen in animals rising up and attacking humans or people dying suddenly for no reason or through horrific road accidents or other forms of disaster.
- It is seen in the rise of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, rise of flooding, fires and disease upon the earth where food and clean water will become more scarce.
- It is seen in the rise of plagues as the result of floods and fires where there are dead animals or people left where they were killed by landslides or floods or fires or the result of earthquakes and or volcanic eruptions because no one can get to them to bury or burn them in the case of the animals.
- So due to chemicals leaching into the soil if the fire or flood affected storage dumps of chemicals then the soil and water can be polluted by these things too.
- Or due to rubbish being swept out to sea and spread along the coast line due to the river breaching an old dump as was seen on the West Coast of New Zealand from recent flooding at the end of March. The coast is now polluted with all sorts of things that is hard to clean up.
- It is also seen in people not wanting to vaccinate their children or pets so this will cause a rise in preventable diseases which will come back even worse like measles or parvovirus in dogs.
- I will put some websites you can look up and get the sense of how intense things are becoming and I have used these sites numerous times in my news flashes. So you should be familiar with them by now. You can look them up and see how quickly things are happening around the globe now.
Sky News Australia.
New Zealand news
The Watchers website just be aware this site uses cookies.
Churchwatch Central.
Prophecy News watch.
- Go back to the beginning of Feb for some articles on Prophecy news watch and Churchwatch Central re the Pope making a peace covenant with all religions mainly Islam.
- Then barely six weeks later there was the attack on the two mosques in Christchurch on the Ides 15 March which killed 51 and wounded 49 and this caused favor for Islam to come through the media, the government and through all other religions including the church and become more dominant in this nation. Then in Easter was the bombing attack in Colombo Sri Lanka on three churches and three wealthy hotels.
- These news items are covered in Prophecy news watch and in Sky News Australia, New Zealand news you may need to scroll down to find news items on these things.
- I won't put links to specific news items as this is not a News Flash blog post, you can look up the websites listed above to do that.
- I was only intending to write a short blog about how Jesus is winnowing and shaking the earth through what is taking place on the earth to separate the wheat from the chaff.
- To see who is for Him and who isn't and to bring His righteous judgments upon the earth and allowing the enemy to have free reign on the earth this too is His judgment by letting people have what they want satan and his sinful lifestyles, instead of God and his righteousness.
- In other words God is going to give people what they want they don't want Him so He will give them literally over to satan to be ruled over by him in the end.
- This will be a brief period of satan ruling the earth for God will still be judging the kingdom of satan to bring the kingdoms of the world to an end and to bring the people of Israel to their knees to call upon the name of the Lord Jesus who they rejected 2000 years ago to come and save them when Jerusalem is surrounded and invaded by the world's armies.
Revelation 22:11
He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.
- So the winnowing of Jesus through judgment is heating up and becoming more intense by the day now rather than year or week or month. If anyone has a grain of sense they should call upon Jesus to be saved before it is too late.
- Jesus is using what is happening on the earth to separate those who are His from those who are not and He will open spiritually blind eyes to see Him so that they can believe in Him.
- This is not just of the Gentiles but of the Jewish people who He has blinded in part.
But though he had done so many miracles before them, yet they believed not on him:
38 That the saying of Esaias the prophet might be fulfilled, which he spake, Lord, who hath believed our report? and to whom hath the arm of the Lord been revealed?
39 Therefore they could not believe, because that Esaias said again,
40 He hath blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart; that they should not see with their eyes, nor understand with their heart, and be converted, and I should heal them.
41 These things said Esaias, when he saw his glory, and spake of him.
42 Nevertheless among the chief rulers also many believed on him; but because of the Pharisees they did not confess him, lest they should be put out of the synagogue:
43 For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God.
44 Jesus cried and said, He that believeth on me, believeth not on me, but on him that sent me.
45 And he that seeth me seeth him that sent me.
46 I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness.
47 And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world.
48 He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day.
49 For I have not spoken of myself; but the Father which sent me, he gave me a commandment, what I should say, and what I should speak.
50 And I know that his commandment is life everlasting: whatsoever I speak therefore, even as the Father said unto me, so I speak.
Romans 11:7-32
What then? Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for; but the election hath obtained it, and the rest were blinded.
8 (According as it is written, God hath given them the spirit of slumber, eyes that they should not see, and ears that they should not hear;) unto this day.
9 And David saith, Let their table be made a snare, and a trap, and a stumblingblock, and a recompence unto them:
10 Let their eyes be darkened, that they may not see, and bow down their back alway.
11 I say then, Have they stumbled that they should fall? God forbid: but rather through their fall salvation is come unto the Gentiles, for to provoke them to jealousy.
12 Now if the fall of them be the riches of the world, and the diminishing of them the riches of the Gentiles; how much more their fulness?
13 For I speak to you Gentiles, inasmuch as I am the apostle of the Gentiles, I magnify mine office:
14 If by any means I may provoke to emulation them which are my flesh, and might save some of them.
15 For if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them be, but life from the dead?
16 For if the firstfruit be holy, the lump is also holy: and if the root be holy, so are the branches.
17 And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, wert grafted in among them, and with them partakest of the root and fatness of the olive tree;
18 Boast not against the branches. But if thou boast, thou bearest not the root, but the root thee.
19 Thou wilt say then, The branches were broken off, that I might be grafted in.
20 Well; because of unbelief they were broken off, and thou standest by faith. Be not highminded, but fear:
21 For if God spared not the natural branches, take heed lest he also spare not thee.
22 Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God: on them which fell, severity; but toward thee, goodness, if thou continue in his goodness: otherwise thou also shalt be cut off.
23 And they also, if they abide not still in unbelief, shall be grafted in: for God is able to graft them in again.
24 For if thou wert cut out of the olive tree which is wild by nature, and wert grafted contrary to nature into a good olive tree: how much more shall these, which be the natural branches, be grafted into their own olive tree?
25 For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.
26 And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob:
27 For this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins.
28 As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sakes: but as touching the election, they are beloved for the father's sakes.
29 For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.
30 For as ye in times past have not believed God, yet have now obtained mercy through their unbelief:
31 Even so have these also now not believed, that through your mercy they also may obtain mercy.
32 For God hath concluded them all in unbelief, that he might have mercy upon all.
- He will open their eyes again so that they will call for Him to save them because to do this He will open their eyes to know Him.
- He will give them a spirit of grace and supplication to call for Him to save them when the armies of the world surround Jerusalem to destroy it.
And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn.
- God won't let this happen He will make sure that the remnant of His people will call for His Son to come and save them before they are wiped out and welcome Him with the words blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.
O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!
38 Behold, your house is left unto you desolate.
39 For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.
- The times of the Gentiles are coming to a rapid end and Jesus is turning once more to His House that is the House of Jacob (Israel).
- This is the only House that all true believing Gentiles should believe is of God and of His Son Jesus and want to belong to.
- God choose the House of Israel to be His own, He is even surnamed Israel the name He gave to Jacob twice Genesis 32 and 35. Circumcision was part of this House and Jesus too is circumcised to be part of this Household Genesis 17 and Luke 2.
- For this house is also a heavenly House not just an earthly house. We belong to the congregation of Heaven's Zion. Through faith in Jesus we belong to the House of Israel, heaven's Zion.
22 But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels,
23 To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect,
24 And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel.
25 See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. For if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth, much more shall not we escape, if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven:
26 Whose voice then shook the earth: but now he hath promised, saying, Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven.
27 And this word, Yet once more, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain.
28 Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear:
29 For our God is a consuming fire.
My next series of blogs will be on the importance of the Jewish temples beginning with the Tabernacle in relation to the two comings of Jesus.
I will also include a post on which gate will Jesus enter through to come into the Millennial Temple this is very important to understand the truth about this gate that He will enter through and where it is located. Stay tuned for that post.
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