Sunday, 4 August 2019

Part 1a News Articles about what is happening in the world today that are like the days of Noah and Lot

Part 1a The news articles about what is happening in the world today that are like the Days of Noah and Lot.
  • The days being like Noah and Lot are seen by the earth going through birth pangs with the increase in earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, wars and violence upon the earth.
  • These birth pangs are ushering in the Kingdom of God, the coming Day of Christ which will be seen in the coming increasing judgments of God upon the earth.  This is due to the wickedness of man upon the earth and his turning away from the true gospel of Christ back paganism.
  • The wickedness of man will become so bad that it will become like things were in the days of Noah leading up to the judgment of God upon the earth through the Great Flood.  
  • All flesh will become corrupt and the thoughts of men's hearts will become totally depraved and wicked and we are seeing this today.  
  • Every time you turn on the news on TV, the radio, the internet there is story after story of wickedness and depravity being done to others through abuse violence, murder etc and also the entertainment industry film, TV shows, internet movies and music is likewise becoming more and more depraved.
  • They want to introduce legalizing drugs, abortion, euthanasia through the halls of Government in other words legalized death of the young, the unborn, the old and the sick as well as the disabled no respect for life at all.
  • Sinful lifestyles are glorified and applauded by young and old including within the church which is becoming totally apostate.
  • No wonder Jesus said the last days will be like the days of Noah and Lot and God will send judgments upon the earth to wage war against what man is doing upon the planet.  This will usher in the righteous kingdom of His Son when He returns.
Matthew 24:1-8
1 And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to shew him the buildings of the temple.
And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.
And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?
And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.
For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
All these are the beginning of sorrows.

News items from Australia and New Zealand
What I will put down below is just some events that have recently happened in Australia and New Zealand.

By plague I am referring to the flu season that is happening in Australia.  It has been a very bad flu season which has taken lives and made a lot of people ill.

Earthquakes in Australia
Strong earthquake hits off the coast of WA

Earthquake hits off coast of WA

Drought in Australia
Ongoing drought triggers water restrictions in Sydney

Earthquakes and volcanic events in New Zealand
Rotorua mud pool opening a blessing in disguise for evacuated resident

Mud Pool swallows more ground around Rotorua home, but landlord likely covered by EQC

Shallow earthquake centred in Christchurch felt widely

Second earthquake in three days rattles Christchurch

Magnitude 4.1 earthquake strikes lower North Island

Weather events in Australia and  New Zealand
Flash flooding causes chaos on Melbourne roads

Family 'devastated' as Kaiwaka tornado tears through shed storing their belonging after moving from Auckland for a 'better life'

Tornado damages at least 12 homes in Far North, as strong gusts batter Auckland

Northland mum describes lucky escape after tornado rips into home, leaving shards of glass stuck in couch, walls

Plagues in Australia
Antibiotic shortage is putting 200,000 sick Aussies at risk

Fears flu vaccine could be ineffective

NSW flu season death toll on the rise

Flu deaths on the rise in WA

Flu death toll rises in Queensland

Sickness in New Zealand

Mysterious illness among students causes Westport school to close

Influenza identified as mystery illness that forced closure of West Coast school

Violence in Australia 
Hospital workers weigh up strike over growing attacks

More than 30 gravestones vandalised in NSW cemetery

Sydney mother 'decapitated by her own daughter'

Inmates riot with weapons at NSW youth detention centre

Current laws being changed in Parliament to do with assisted dying and abortion
I will also include some recent bills that have been passed in the State Governments of Australia to do with assisted dying and abortion.

Please see the following articles concerning this in the different states in Australia:

NSW set to decriminalise abortion

Bill to decriminalize abortion taken to NSW parliament

Ludicrous’ not all women can have an abortion

I hope and pray that those who are thinking about passing this bill in NSW and other States of Australia.  will remember the commandment of Thou Shalt Not Kill out of God's Ten Commandments.
Exodus 20:13 King James Version
13 Thou shalt not kill.

Exodus 20:13 Orthodox Jewish Version
13 Thou shalt not murder.

This is what happens when people lose the sense of the sanctity of life in the womb or as people get older and ill or have disabilities.  The lose the fear and reverence of God or the awareness that there is a righteous and Holy God who gives life or has the power of life and death in His hands.

People become their own gods they do what they please to do what they deem is right in their own eyes.  

There is a proverb that says the following:
Proverbs 14:12
12 There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.

We deplored what the Nazis did in experimenting on Jewish people in the concentration camps but are we any better as a society now?  When our own Governments want to pass laws in regards to abortion and assisted dying.

For abortion is a crime in the eyes of God who created life by creating mankind.  It is taking away life from the womb.  It is murder and God will not look kindly upon those who kill the unborn child the woman or the doctors performing this evil act.  

This is not to say that if they repent of what they are doing or have done that He won't forgive them of their sin.  For He will forgive them but they must turn away from this sin in repentance first before they can be forgiven and acknowledge they have done wrong in His eyes by killing the unborn child.  

How can you kill a baby who is six months old or any number of weeks in the womb and not regard it as being human?  It has grown and it kicks and sleeps and moves it is alive.  How can these people do what they do and sleep at night?  Maybe it is because their consciouses are so seared they no longer have any feeling left for what they are doing.

Nor do they tell the woman who is having an abortion about the feelings of guilt, deep grief and loss she feels after she does this or the fact she may never be able to carry a baby full term in pregnancy again.  These things are some of the consequences of having an abortion. 

Of course people in the world who find themselves in a desperate situation of being pregnant and with no means to support the child or desire to keep the child.  They think of only the only viable solution the world offers that is an abortion.  

They do not think about the One who gives life that is the God of Israel.  

However if someone shares the gospel with these desperate women/ men too who may want to get rid of the unwanted child in their eyes and the medical people who carry out these heinous acts.  That if they are convicted of their sin in taking away life through the act of abortion and turn to God in repentance of what they have done.

 God is gracious and if the woman or man who wants the woman to abort his child, or the medical staff of an abortion clinic calls upon the name of the Lord.  He will forgive them of their sin of murdering the unborn child by having an abortion or doing the abortion on a woman.

In the woman's case who has had an abortion, He will heal her from her grief and feelings of guilt and will even heal her womb so that she can have a baby and carry it to full term.

May those who are making this decision to decriminalize abortion in NSW think about the long term ramifications of their decision and decide wisely.

NSW abortion reform bill delayed

Even one of the Australian Federal politicians whose partner recently had a baby said that the abortion bill should not go ahead.

Joyce urges NSW parliament to reject abortion bill

Late-term abortion to be debated in NSW

The same goes for assisted dying it is murder.  God is the only One who has the power over life and death.  Jesus Himself told John the apostle in Revelation that He has the keys of death and hell.  
Revelation 1:18
18  I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.
Jesus being God and God the Son has the authority over death and hell and if you do not believe in Him you will end up being sent to hell by Him.  If you do not repent from your sins and turn to Him in trust and believe that He is the only One who can save you and cleanse you from sin through His soul cleansing blood that was poured out for everyone on the cross on Calvary's hill outside the walls of Jerusalem in Israel.

So if people are helped to die for being ill and if they do not know Christ as their Lord ans Saviour they are being assisted into hell by those who think they are easing their loved one's pain.  They don't realize that they are hurrying them into a lost eternity where their suffering will be far, far worse than the cancer they are trying to ease their suffering from.

In hell / Lake of Fire there will be no rest from the pain of what they will be suffering it will never stop the agony.

Just read what the rich man said to Lazarus when he was in torment and looked up and saw Lazarus in the distance and asked him to dip his finger in water to ease his thirst.
Luke 16:19-31
 19 There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day:
20 And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores,
21 And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table: moreover the dogs came and licked his sores.
22 And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried;
23 And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.
24 And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.
25 But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime received thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented.
26 And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence.
27 Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father's house:
28 For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment.
29 Abraham saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.
30 And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent.
31 And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.

Or read how people will be thrown into the Lake of fire after the White Throne judgment whose names are not in the book of Life.
Revelation 20:11-15
11 And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them.
12 And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.
13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works.
14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.
15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

Do you really want to see your loved ones end up in this awful place?  Do you, yourself who are reading this blog want to end up in this awful place.  Everyone who is outside of Christ will end up there.  Only those whose names are in the Lamb's book of Life and whose lives are covered under the blood of the Lamb will make it into spending eternity with the Lord in firstly His millennial kingdom then after the Great White Throne judgment in the New Heaven and the New Earth in the New Jerusalem Revelation 21 and 22.

So in reality assisted dying is a terrible thing knowing where people will end up in eternity it will be a lost eternity.  By the way Jesus spoke more about hell than He did anything else and He is warning people not to go there but to believe on Him for salvation.  Just read the gospels of the New Testament and you will see where I am coming from.

Assisted Dying
First terminally ill patient to access Vic's assisted dying services

First person in Victoria legally euthanized under new laws

Another Australian State has joined in the assisted dying bill.

WA govt progresses assisted dying bill

As well as what is currently before the New Zealand Parliament to do with changing the law concerning abortion and assisted dying.

Please see the following articles about this in New Zealand:

Abortion law reform is coming to New Zealand, here's what happens next

Assisted Dying

Strong support for legalising euthanasia in 1 NEWS Colmar Brunton Poll, as MPs set to thrash out details

These articles are included to show how little human life is valued today.  People sooner try to save sacred land from being built on than to try to save lives whether of those who are ill, old or the unborn.  

They deem the land to be sacred for whatever reason but they forget /that God is the One who owns the earth.  He is the Lord of heaven and earth, He created the planet for man not man for the planet.  It is given for our pleasure to enjoy and be good stewards of it.  Not to abuse the resources but to use them wisely.  

God allocated the lands to different people at different times and He will divide the land and peoples in the end in accordance to the number of the tribes of Israel.

God is sovereign over this planet and all of it is His to do with as He pleases overall.
Psalm 24:1
1 The earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.
Acts 17:23-27
23 For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, To The Unknown God. Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you.
24 God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands;
25 Neither is worshipped with men's hands, as though he needed any thing, seeing he giveth to all life, and breath, and all things;
26 And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;
27 That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us:
Deuteronomy 32:8-9
When the Most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel.
For the Lord's portion is his people; Jacob is the lot of his inheritance.

Protests about the use of sacred land for real estate development in New Zealand.
There is currently protests over land being built on in New Zealand news items below:

Ihumātao protestors say they won't budge until they meet with Government, Fletcher Building

This is rapidly becoming a religious movement as well as a protest about sacred land being built upon.  As this following article highlights that people from other religions are coming on board.

Thousands stay overnight at Ihumātao as protest shows no sign of easing

Thousands more expected to join Ihumātao protest over weekend

Government steps into Ihumātao land dispute, halts building activity

Ihumātao land dispute: What does the te reo language being used mean?

'We're tangata whenua' – schoolgirl's message as Dunedin locals show solidarity with Ihumātao protestors

It seems to me that rent a crowd is being raised up in different ways around the world.  

We have seen this since the beginning of the year with the Yellow Vests in France protesting over the cost of living and how the wages don't match.
The protestors in Hong Kong over the planned extradition bill of criminals to China.  I have no issue with this but this too is becoming violent.

Now New Zealand is dealing with protestors over sacred Maori land being built upon and even Muslim leaders are becoming involved in this as well.

See news items here showing Muslim leaders becoming involved in this land protest.

Muslim leaders join protestors at Ihumātao: 'They can always rely on us'

Is there a planned move around the world by the Globalists to cause protests to be started and tying up resources to deal with these protests.  It is affecting nearly everyone but it seems to be stirring up the young people more. 

 Is this a form of destabilizing society through these protests to bring about anarchy on one hand and on the other to prepare people for a Global leader to rise up with so called solutions to all of these issues?

In some ways this protesting about the use of land and encroachment upon sacred sites is almost religious.  It is seems to be going back to pagan ways that is of ancestral worship and worship of the land nature.  It seems to be going back to the old gods the pagan gods of the Maori people perhaps.

It is more than just respect for the land or treating our resources with care as being good stewards of land it is almost spiritual in what they are doing.  As the news items given above will show.

Even the Protests in Hong Kong have affected those living in New Zealand see following article about this:

Female activist knocked to the ground as Hong Kong, China tensions spill over at University of Auckland

There is also another protest going on in New Zealand.

NZ protests over 'stolen children'

Something to think about!

Finally on the spiritual side of things in regards to what is happening in the churches.
Rise of apostasy within the churches of Australia and New Zealand.

At What Price Awakening? Examining the Theology and Practice of the Bethel Movement
20/09/2018  |  Stephen Tan     SHARE

Australian ‘Christian’ Festival Uses LEGO Spirits and Spirit Summoning?

It’s beginning to rain (updated).

Phil Pringle calls Hillsong leaders Brian & Bobbie Houston ‘major apostles’.


News items about people escaping from a well known cult in New Zealand and those who are helping them.
Fundraising drive launched for those who flee Gloriavale

Former Gloriavale member returns by night to help others leave

News items from around the world
  • I will put in an article showing how earthquakes are increasing around the earth and give some examples of where they are happening.
  • The same goes for volcanic eruptions.
  • I will include links to the Watchers web site for they give reports on earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, fires and the risk of Ebola affecting the globe.  Their web site is very good but for those living in Europe and elsewhere reading the blog they do use cookies.  So it is up to you if you still wish to look at their website.
  • Some other news site links I give do use cookies I will mention this too when giving that link.  Again it is up to you to look at the news item but please be aware it uses cookies.
For more articles on earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, fires, drought, asteroids, weird weather and plagues go to the Watchers but please be aware they do use cookies.
The Watchers

Global Earthquakes 3 Times Above Normal - Dozens More Hit The Ring Of Fire

Southern California hit by 7.1-magnitude earthquake days after earlier tremor

Southern California reels from magnitude 7.1 quake

Earthquake jolts Southern California on Independence Day; Strongest in the region since 1994 (This site uses cookies)

After Thursday’s Quake, Seismologists Warned of More to Come (This site uses cookies)

More earthquakes ‘approaching certainty’ in California

Months of aftershocks could follow 7.1-magnitude earthquake in California

Ridgecreast, China Lake, Volcano Coso Geothermal Area, San Andreas Fault, Garlock Fault

At least eight people dead in Philippines quakes

Series of aftershocks hit Indonesia after earthquake kills two (This site uses cookies)

Bali hotels sent into chaos from powerful earthquake

Tsunami Warning After Vanuatu M 6.8 Earthquake

Four dead after Indonesia earthquake

Mount Etna erupts on Sicily, triggering airport closures

Lava flows from Mount Etna in spectacular display

Major stratospheric eruption at Ulawun volcano, ash to 19.2 km (63 000 feet) a.s.l., P.N.G.(This site uses cookies)

Floods & Drought Devastate Crops Around The Planet - Global Food Crisis Coming?

Thousands powerless as tornadoes tear across the US

Record floods breach Arkansas river levee, forcing evacuation

Severe storms lash US Midwest

Thousands flee floods in Bangladesh

Monsoonal rain displaces more than three million people in India

Fires and heatwaves
Wildfires force evacuation of hundreds of homes, Israel(This site uses cookies)

Nine injured in Portugal wildfires

Hundreds of wildfires rage in Siberia

Wildfire in Southern Washington caused by wind turbine that caught fire

Emergency declared as 'dangerous' heatwave hits US

US faces worst measles outbreak since 1982

WHO declares Congo Ebola outbreak a public health emergency of international concern

Ebola spreads to Goma, a major transport hub

Fear as Ebola epidemic 'inevitable' in major DR Congo city

Third Ebola case confirmed in Democratic Republic of Congo

Taiwan Center for Disease Control holds Ebola risk assessment meeting

Violence on the earth
This next story is crazy yet this is how the Catholic church is trying to combat violence and crime.  They are trying to cast out the demons causing it by chucking holy water into the air.  It is not holy water that will stop this violence but prayer and fasting and rebuking the demons in the name of Jesus and only after the gospel is shared properly with the people on the ground.

By preaching the word of God will this sort of violence and crime would normally stop.  However due to people turning away from Jesus and the gospel and are hostile to anything to do with God, Jesus and the preaching of the gospel.

So this violence and crime won't stop but will wax worse and worse as the days grow darker as the time draws closer to the return of Jesus to Jerusalem and as the devil has one last fling on the earth by taking the world captive to his evil schemes.  Which will culminate in the beast a world leader ruling the earth who will totally be possessed by satan.

It is all there in the bible for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear to see what is happening now on the earth and how it relates to what the scriptures say the last days will be like before the coming of the Lord.

As well as for those who have ears to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying today to those who are listening.

Bishop will take to the skies to exorcise entire Colombian city (This site uses cookies)

California couple hurt in 'very brutal' attack by group of teenagers outside their home

Riot police fire tear gas and rubber bullets at Hong Kong protestors

Hong Kong protestors clash with police

Hong Kong issues warning to protestors

Hong Kong police arrest 20 protestors in violent clashes

One killed, 11 injured in NYC party shooting

Three dead, 15 injured as gunman opens fire at California food festival

Nine killed in Ohio shooting

Donald Trump vows to label far-left Antifa as ‘terrorists

Multiple dead after El Paso shooting

20 dead, 26 injured in mass shooting at a Texas shopping mall

El Paso shooter inspired by Christchurch attacks

Police arrest hundreds in Moscow

Shaking in the airwaves
God is even shaking the very air that planes are flying in there seems to be a rise in air turbulence as these two stories above speak of the very air / heavens are being shaken.  
The first story is about an Air Emirates flight with severe turbulence which sounded like an airquake sort of like an earthquake in the air.
Hebrews 12:25-29
 25 See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. For if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth, much more shall not we escape, if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven:
26 Whose voice then shook the earth: but now he hath promised, saying, Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven.
27 And this word, Yet once more, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain.
28 Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear:
29 For our God is a consuming fire.

Woman on nightmare flight from Auckland to Dubai describes 'terrifying' moment severe turbulence hit plane

Turbulence injures 37 on Air Canada flight to Sydney

35 injured from turbulence on Air Canada flight

Apostasy in the church
Apostasy: Broken Lives and Shattered Faith Versus Those Who Resist

Denomination With Atheist Minister Now Hosting Event To Honor Terrorists

Self Exalted Above God . . . The Delusion

End Times Complacency Spreading Through The Church

Purpose-Driven Mandate: Those Who Focus on Bible Prophecy “Not fit for the kingdom of God”
June 24, 2019 by Lighthouse Trails Editors

MAITREYA: What We Can Learn From This False New Age Christ

The “Regeneration of the Churches” – An Occult Dream Come True

Why Hillsong Music is Dangerous For Your Church

Should your church sing Jesus Culture & Bethel Music?

Unpacking Michael Brown – his ‘NARpostleship’ & involvement in the New Apostolic Reformation.

Dangers of YWAM
What churches should know about YWAM Part 1: A sketchy theological heritage.

What churches should know about YWAM Part 2: Partnering with the New Apostolic Reformation.

Can Cultures Be Redeemed? – Emerging Church Says “Yes” – Bible Says “No”

Letter to the Editor: Former YWAM Staff Member Issues Warning to Young People 

Youth With A Mission and Theology

NEW BOOKLET: The New Missiology – Doing Missions Without the Gospel

Dangers of Catholicism


Climate change gone mad

Sydney council sacrifices 'safety of women for climate ideology'

Scientist Playing God Plan to Test effect of Volcano Eruptions Blocking Out the Sun

This ends Part 1a my next post will be Part 2 which will focus on the following:
  • Part two will deal with the rise of the head of the beast that was wounded Revelation 13.
  • I will break the news items in Part 2 down to the rise in the anti semitism around the world and my neck of the woods Australia and New Zealand, rise in the antichrist spirit ie rise in persecution of Christians. 
  •  As well as including news items on the rise in Islam, Nazism, etc.

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